Thursday, July 18, 2013

Interview with Danielle!

Hi, girlies! Danielle from American Girl #1 Fans and The Diary of Danielle let me interview her! :). Thanks for letting me interview you, Danielle! :D. Here's her interview!

1. What's your name (or Blogger name), and how old are you? (You don't have to answer the age if you don't want to)
My name is Danielle and I am a pre-teen. :)

2. How/ why did you begin your blog?
I wanted to start my own blog to write about God, my thoughts, my life, and my American Girl dolls!

3. What is your favorite out of these (maxi skirt, tennis shoes, sparkly ruffled t-shirt)?
Probably a maxi skirt!

4. What is your favorite book?
I have lots! I would have to say the Bible. :)

5. What is your favorite animal?

6. How many/ which AG dolls do you have? If not, what's your favorite season?
I have a total of 10 American Girl dolls. They are ( in order ), Elizabeth, Emilia, Felicity, Saran, Molly, Emily, Annabeth, Ruthie, Caroline, and Saige. :)

7. What is your favorite movie?
Hmm... Monster's University. :)

8. Your blog (s)
I have 2 blogs, and

9. Anything random you'd like to add. :)
I hope you go check out my blogs! Thanks Jan for the interview! :)

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